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Heart. Mind. Gut.

Baltimore's Promise

Articulating a Vision: A Pathway From Cradle-to-Career.

In 2012, foundation and business leaders with diverse interests and expertise committed to address issues related to health and education. They aimed to provide Baltimore City’s youth with successful pathways from cradle to career. Baltimore’s Promise was created to facilitate and align the workgroups, establish measures for meaningful results and advocate policy on behalf of the City’s youngest residents. Mission was ecstatic to help devise a brand and messaging platform for the organization, and to build the foundation of their communications program.

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Brand Platform, Messaging, Design, Development & Integration, Digital Marketing


Non-Profit, NGO

Online HQ


At the core of the brand message is the profound belief that every child deserves infinite possibilities for his or her future. This laid the groundwork for the entire brand system, including both internal and public messaging, logo and brand design, brand execution and collateral.

"Our investment became exceedingly personal very quickly because of a shared passion for Baltimore's future."

Suzanne R.


The depth of content and the varying audiences required a design system that was intuitive and approachable.

The depth of content and the varying audiences required a design system that was intuitive and approachable.

The information architecture for the website was critical, as the site needed to support the organization's vision, and also display and distill complex data related to each of the the core cradle-to-career continuum areas. A carefully orchestrated balance of form and function, the site presents this information in a way that users can easily find, digest and utilize to further address need and define action.

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George Mason University Athletics

Maryland Science Center