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Open and Helping Those Who Are #ClosedButStillCaring

There are essential work duties to perform and a brand to maintain, but your business is closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, this is a situation many businesses are faced with across the globe. There is no playbook for Coronavirus, no back pocket strategy to implement as a bandaid, but maintaining as much normalcy and revenue as possible is critical to their survival. 

We teamed up with The Maryland Zoo to tackle this problem with understanding and efficiency. While the Zoo is closed, life behind on the grounds must go on. This includes intensive animal care and a strong commitment to conservation that the Zoo has always made a priority. While guests are not able to visit it is important to help the community connection between visitors and animals continue to thrive. 

Out of these needs, a campaign and a message were born. Using “We Miss You” and “We Know You Care” as messaging and calls-to-action like “Show Your Support,” “Mission created an extensive mass media campaign. The campaign focuses on driving donations, purchases of annual memberships, or simply uplifting spirits of essential working staff with a thank you note. 

Within a few weeks, Mission devised creative assets and a marketing strategy to support the campaign message. The video and display ads feature animals playing, bathing, and eating: all quarantine activities we at home are doing as part of our daily routine. You might spot these yourself in one of our commercials, across the web, or as you browse social media. Visit to view the campaign landing page and donate or say thank you to their incredible staff!

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